Thomas Road Clinic - Now Open

پیدا کردن کمک

معلومات عاجل


برای آمبولانس، آتش‌نشانی یا پلیس شماره ۱۱۱ را بزنید

اگر فکر می‌کنید کسی در خطر آسیب به خود یا دیگران است، شماره ۱۱۱ را بزنید و از پلیس  کمک بخواهی

حمایت عاجل سلامت روان 

Waikato Crisis Assessment and Home Treatment  

Call 0800 50 50 50 anytime , day or night

Not in Waikato? Call Healthline on 0800 611 116 to find your nearest support


Call 0800 611 116

Free professional health advice available anytime (24/7)

:زمانی که باید به Healthline تماس بگیرید
برای مشورت در مورد وضعیت خود و مراحل بعدی
اگر پزشک عمومی ندارید یا نمی‌توانید به یکی بروید
اگر نیاز به مشورت در مورد دارو دارید
اگر نگران یا مطمئن نیستید درباره سلامت خود یا سلامت کسی دیگر هستید

اگر می‌خواهید در زبان خود صحبت کنید؟
وقتی تماس می‌گیرید، بگویید:
یک مترجم» «می‌خواهم
سپس به آنها بگویید که به چه زبانی صحبت می‌کنید

Read about interpreting services

اگر شنوایی نداریدید ناتواین شنوایی ناشی از ناتواین گفتاری دارید

 NZ Relay می‌تواند با خدمات ارتباطی Healthline تیم
 خدمات NZ Relay .برای حمایت از شما تماس برقرار کند
  در زمان‌های مشخصی در دسترس هستند

پیدا کردن یک داکتر – داکتر معالج عمومی (جی پی)

داکتر معالج عمومی یا (جی پی) کی هست ؟

انتخاب کردن یک داکتر

معلومات بیشتردرمورد داکتران معالج عمومی

حمایت سلامت روان – همراه کسی گپ بزنید

.پشتیبانی رایگان (هیچ هزینه‌ای برای تماس یا پیام نیست)، محرمانه، غیرقضاوتی
.۲۴/۷ به معنای این است که پشتیبانی در هر زمان، روز یا شب - ۲۴ ساعت در روز و ۷ روز در هفته در دسترس است


Call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor

Free – 24/7


Lonely, depressed, distressed or suicidal?

Call 0800 72 66 66

Free and available 24/7


Trained counsellors

Call 0800 543 354
Free text 4357

Free and available 24/7


Suicide Crisis Helpline

0508 828 865

Free and available 24/7

جوانان و کودکان - پشتیبانی از سلامت روان


For young people, their parents and friends

Free call 0800 376 633
Free text 234



A free app for young people to help you cope with stress

What’s Up

Free call 0800 942 8787
(0800 WHATSUP)

Call (11am – 11pm) or online chat at (11am – 10.30pm) every day.

For 5-19 year olds


An online game to help young people with life skills to power through stressful and negative emotions

The Low Down

Visit the website or free text 5626

A space for young people to find support for your wellbeing, identity, culture and mental health


An app that supports young people going through tough times to have safe, guided conversations with people they trust.

سازمان‌های ارائه دهنده پشتیبانی برای جوامع قومی

Diversity Counselling NZ

Professional counselling in over 20 languages

Free call 0800 143 269

Settlement Centre Waikato

Help for newcomers to settle in Hamilton and Waikato

 Call 07 853 2192

Here to help you

Connect with help - including emergency food supplies


Support for ethnic women

Call 07 843 3810

Waikato Refugee Forum

Advocacy, advice and practical support to former refugees living in the Hamilton area

Refugee Orientation Centre

Support for former refugees

Call 07 847 6968

Ethnic community directory

Find a list of ethnic community organisations and support services across New Zealand.

پشتیبانی و حمایه از پاسیفیکا

Vaka Tautua

Free call 0800 652 535
(0800 OLA LELEI)

Free national Pacific helpline.
Mon-Fri 8.30am - 5pm.

The team speaks Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands Māori and English

Le Va

Information and support for Pasifika families on mental health, addiction and suicide prevention

K’aute Pasifika

Call 07 834 1482

Health, education, employment and social services in Hamilton

پشتیبانی از والدین و خانواده‌ها

Yellow Brick Road

Free call 0800 555 434

(Central North Island)

For families and whānau supporting a loved one who lives with a mental illness

Waikato Family Centre

Advice, information and support after having a baby

Parent Help

Free call  0800 568 856

For parents/whānau seeking support, advice and practical strategies on all parenting concerns. Anonymous, non-judgemental and confidential.

From 9am to 9pm 7 days a week.


Free call 0800 933 922

Support for parents, including mothers experiencing post-natal depression

Single Parent Services

Counselling and support for people who are parenting alone

Parents Centre

Call 04 233 2022

Information and courses for parents

LGBTQI+ رنگین کمان


Free call 0800 688 5463

Confidential, free, all ages support line, rainbow specialist counselling and trans peer support.

Adhikaar Aotearoa

Support, education and advocacy for LGBTQIA + people of colour in New Zealand

Rainbow Hub Waikato

Support and information people of diverse gender and sexuality, and their families.

اطلاعات سلامت روان

New Zealand websites

International websites


Mental health information in many different languages


Mental health and wellbeing resources for young people, parents/ carers and schools


Mental health information

NHS Mental Health

Mental Health Advice and Information

نکات و ابزارهایی برای کمک به سلامتی شما

Small Steps

Tools to calm your mind, manage stress and improve your mood

Just a Thought

Free online courses and guides to support mental wellbeing

Aunty Dee

A free online tool for anyone who needs help working through problems


Anxiety Helpline

Free call 0800 269 4389
(0800 ANXIETY)

For people with all forms of anxiety and their families and friends

اختلالات خوردن غذا


Free call 0800 233 269
(0800 2 EDANZ)

For information, support and resources about supporting someone with an eating disorder

غم و اندوه

The Grief Centre

Free call 0800 331 333

For support for all forms of loss, grief, trauma or difficult change


Free call 0800 299 100

Counselling, information and support for grief and a range of other challenges.

پس از خودکشی

After a Suicide

A website offering practical information and guidance to people who have lost someone to suicide

Aoake te Rā

Free call 0800 000 053

Free counselling for people bereaved by suicide

Victim Support

Free call 0800 842 846

24 hour support for people affected by crime, trauma and suicide

الکل و مواد مخدر

Alcohol Drug Helpline

Free call 0800 787 797
Free text 8681
Or online chat at

For people dealing with alcohol or other drug problems

Care NZ

Free call 0800 499 469

Support for anyone who has concerns about their own or a loved one's use of alcohol or other drugs.

Youth INtact – drug and alcohol help for youth

Youth INtact is Waikato's Youth Drug and Alcohol Service for  young people. We act quickly to provide easily accessible and effective support services to young people and their family


Find support services and information on alcohol and drug use for people and their families

قما ر بازی

Gambling Helpline

Free call 0800 654 655
Free text 8006
Or online chat at

For help if you are gambling or are concerned about someone else’s gambling.

Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand

Freephone 0800 664 262
Text for help 5819

Asian Family Services

Free call 0800 862 342

Free and confidential counselling, information and education in Korean, Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Thai

آسیب به خانواده / خشونت خانوادگی

اگر در خطر فوری هستید، شماره ۱۱۱ را بزنید و از پلیس کمک  بخواهید
:اگر صحبت کردن ایمن نیست، شماره ۱۱۱ را بزنید و روی خط بمانید. تماس شما به یک منو ارسال می‌شود
اگر نیاز به کمک اورژانس دارید
(اگر از تلفن همراه تماس بگیرید)، ۵۵ را فشار دهید
هر عددی را فشار دهید اگر نیاز به کمک اورژانس دارید، اگر از یک تلفن ثابت تماس می‌گیرید
شما به پلیس منتقل می‌شوید
.تماس‌گیرنده پلیس با شما با پرسیدن سوالات ساده بله  یا خیر پاسخ می‌دهد و از شما خواسته می‌شود که به سوالات او با فشار دادن کلیدهایی روی تلفن پاسخ دهید

Vagus Line

 Free call 0800 56 76 666
Mon, Wed, Fri 12 noon – 2pm

Family harmony among Chinese, enhance parenting skills, decrease conflict among family members (couple, parent-child, in-laws) and stop family violence.

Women’s Refuge Crisis Line

Free call 0800 733 843
(0800 REFUGE)

For women living with violence, or in fear, in their relationship or family

Ghandi Nivas 

Free call 0800 426 344 

Early intervention and prevention services for New Zealand men identified at risk of committing harm in the family home. 

Shakti Crisis Line

Free call 0800 742 584
(0800 SHAKTI)

Multi lingual helpline for migrant or refugee women living


Free call 0508 744 633
Available 24/7

Confidential domestic abuse helpline.

Family violence info line

Free call 0800 456 450
Or chat at

To talk about family violence and

find help for yourself or others

Male support services Waikato

Free call 0800 677 289

Supporting males with physical, mental, emotional, domestic or sexual abuse experiences

صدمات / تجاوز جنسی

24/7 HELPline

Free call 0800 623 1700 or txt 8236

Support for sexual abuse survivors

Rape Crisis

Free call 0800 883 300

For support after rape or sexual assault

Sexual Harm Helpline

Free call 0800 044 334 or text 4334
Or webchat at

To talk about sexual harm and find help for yourself or others

حقوق خود را بشناسید

Citizens Advice Bureau

Migrant support in different languages

Free confidential help with immigration, legal rights, employment, housing and support services.

Community Law

Free call 0800 529 482

Free legal help and information

Ministry of Ethnic Communities

Information and guides for and about ethnic communities in different languages.

Immigration New Zealand

Information on immigration laws and policies for people who want to work, live and study in New Zealand.

برای پیدا کردن لیست مکمل سازمان‌های قومی و اجتماعی، و گروه‌های مذهبی و مکان‌های برای عبادت در سراسر همیلتون، روی دکمه

راهنمایی دانلود کلیک کنید

If you would like to add or remove your organisation from this list, please email